User recordings means capturing and recording of the online activities of your end-users while they visit and navigate through your website. You can capture mouse movements, scrolls, clicks etc. for watching it later. Movements and user actions are displayed as red lines on the screen for better visibility. When the users move from one page to another, the session will keep recording their activities and you can view the recorded video playback of the users between multiple pages. The user recordings provide many benefits and help you understand your end-user’s perspective and work towards improving it. Some of the key benefits of user recordings are as follows.
Understand the End User’s Perspective
Attracting more visitors to your website is all about improving their end-user experience. You can make use of applications like Hotjar and Smartlook to capture user recordings. These user recordings help you empathize with your end-users and allows you to see things from their perspective. You can understand the issues faced by them and work on the resolution of the same to provide them a better end-user experience.
Understand How End Users Interact with Website Elements
There are multiple elements in your website and you should know which of them are most prioritized and preferred by your end-users. User recordings will help you examine which key elements of your website are your end-users interacting with the most, and which elements are being ignored by them. You can see the time spent by them on different sections, which can provide you a fair idea of what they are looking for in your website. This information can help you customize your website to meet their requirements better.
Discover Problems, Issues, Bugs
User recordings provide you valuable inputs on the different technical problems experienced by the users while browsing and navigating through your website. You can see if the end-users got stuck or confused by your page elements and whether they were able to access the information they were looking for. The end-users can experience technical and informational issues when visiting your website. You should also verify for any broken website elements and missing links which can spoil the end user’s experience and make them leave your website.
Understand Why Users are Leaving
You can view the user recordings of people who visited your website and left without conversion. It is important for your business to convert visitors into customers. You can see the browsing patterns of these users and spot loopholes which can be addressed to ensure better conversion rates. You can track elements like did they browse casually? Did they miss any important information or link on your website? Did they encounter glitches on the end-user experience? You can work out strategies for resolving these issues which can improve your conversion. You can use services like Hotjar and Smartlook for recording user sessions.
Make Informed Decisions for Improving User Experience
User recordings help you to understand the behavior of your end-users and their experiences. You can watch the recordings and analyze it with your team members on the appropriate corrective actions needed for improving the end user experience.